
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thinking about...

We usually don't take our vocations in the Summer, since is so hot and almost everybody else in the world is taking vocation time.We decided in our family will to take our vocations at Spring  and Autumn, so far Autumn has been our favorite time to take off,we usually have the places all for ourselves, the weather is fantastic,and the change in nature is all around (I love the color changes!). Last year we wanted so much to make to Connecticut or Virginia,didn't we opt to a closer state,we went to Arkansas. Maybe no exacted a dream vocation spot...what we found was quite surprising...
Beautiful rolling hills and picturesque farms,even in the no scenic roads.

Valley by Eureka Springs

      In this pictureWar Eagle Mill,they grind organic flour and they pack their flour on fabric sacs,just a few miles from Eureka.
       I wish I could add more pictures,but my computer is acting up. We had the most wonderful time,we never got tired or bored of the places that we stay, we had plenty to do and see. Maybe later I will add some more pictures, my wording doesn't make justice.
But check out some of the awesome videos,they do more justice then me!

I need another vocation!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Quite Days

Here in Texas Summer starts(doesn't it ever ends???) start as soon as May, this year we finish our school year a little sooner,so we end up having 2 full months free from schedules. I like the quietness that this summer brings, we are dealing with some health issues, so this time is much needed.We have nothing planned aldo lots to do...As our 1st month already pass I am starting to look forward to the next school year.
My little child have enjoy her free time a lot, she loves hand sewing and always comes out with the most creative things, she also enjoys  listen to audio-books and reading.