
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thinking about...

We usually don't take our vocations in the Summer, since is so hot and almost everybody else in the world is taking vocation time.We decided in our family will to take our vocations at Spring  and Autumn, so far Autumn has been our favorite time to take off,we usually have the places all for ourselves, the weather is fantastic,and the change in nature is all around (I love the color changes!). Last year we wanted so much to make to Connecticut or Virginia,didn't we opt to a closer state,we went to Arkansas. Maybe no exacted a dream vocation spot...what we found was quite surprising...
Beautiful rolling hills and picturesque farms,even in the no scenic roads.

Valley by Eureka Springs

      In this pictureWar Eagle Mill,they grind organic flour and they pack their flour on fabric sacs,just a few miles from Eureka.
       I wish I could add more pictures,but my computer is acting up. We had the most wonderful time,we never got tired or bored of the places that we stay, we had plenty to do and see. Maybe later I will add some more pictures, my wording doesn't make justice.
But check out some of the awesome videos,they do more justice then me!

I need another vocation!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Quite Days

Here in Texas Summer starts(doesn't it ever ends???) start as soon as May, this year we finish our school year a little sooner,so we end up having 2 full months free from schedules. I like the quietness that this summer brings, we are dealing with some health issues, so this time is much needed.We have nothing planned aldo lots to do...As our 1st month already pass I am starting to look forward to the next school year.
My little child have enjoy her free time a lot, she loves hand sewing and always comes out with the most creative things, she also enjoys  listen to audio-books and reading.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Worth Our Time

      I want to share with you about the 3 DVDs that we have been watching over and over . They are fun to watch and also full of useful information. I also add a You Tube link, make sure to check out,is worth! 

                      Making Herbs Simple: Volume 1       Homestead Blessings: The Art of Herbs      Homesteading for Beginners Volume One DVD

  1. Making Herbs Simple by Shoshanna-Vol.1 . I have learn so much from this DVD !Shoshanna is so enthusiastic and funny.  From her DVD I specially love the up close detail of the wild herbs, the explanation on what to do with those herbs and the many different ways to prepare it. I was so excited to know that Yarrow is still been use for remedies and that Plantain is so easy to find around my neighborhood. Excellent for beginners.
  2. Homestead Blessings -The Art of Herbs . This DVD  is so fun ,you get a tour of their herb garden ( always a plus for me since I love gardens ) and learn  many fun ways to use herbs. I love learning about Comfrey and it uses for the garden, about vinegars,teas,drying herbs...Excellent for beginners.
  3. Homesteading for Beginners- Vol.1.  This DVD is so fun to watch, we make popcorn and enjoy seen this young family planting,harvesting and enjoying their farm. I love the family working together and seen how the kids are very involve in all that they do. I specially like the care and processing  of the chickens. This is for beginners too. Aldo fun you will learn a lot from it and your family will be inspired !

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dress turns into Nightdress/ De vestido para camisola

          When I was a little girl I had the most beautiful clothes, my mom could sew anything, she made up her own patterns just by look at  pictures in a magazine.

 I love sewing to my little girl too,but making my own pattern...well let's just say lots of fabric have been waste around here. But doesn't mean that I have give up in the idea of trying (ouch!).So here is one little project that I decided to try, my mom sent this lovely outfit for my daughter (she never asks me for measurements). The little top is so cute, and LOOKS quite easy. So this is the documenting of me trying on making my own pattern again.

Look at the details,cute right? Simple enough right?

Here I go...I start by getting some of this lovely lace(English lace?).Any sewing store carries.

I measure the chest , cut the lace, measure the sleeves ,cut the lace .Then gather and attach everything.(Easy right?)  

Now the bottom edge of the sleeves, what do I do with it? Well no need to panic, just attach to the body.

Now the body looks really wide(but I measure!)...Do I have to gather the body too? I guess???


After all the sweat ...I got the only left over piece of my favorite  little roses fabric and use to make the skirt, was just the perfect size too. So far not waist of fabric, Yeah!!!


Here is the finish product(don't look too close).It will be a little dress used in the house only,a sweet nightdress due to some unexplainable technical problems.But  I am proud to have made something that was inspired by my mom's sewing's. I must say, I still will be wasting lots of fabrics before I can become as accomplished . But doesn't- hurts very- much to try, right?

Minha mae sempre fazia as roupas mais lindas para mim quando era pequena,Ela olhava numa revista e podia copiar qualquer modelo de vestidinhos.Agoro tento fazer o mesmo para a minha filha.Porem sem muiro susseso.

Aqui mostro minha tentativa em copiar a blusa que ela fez para minha filha. Fique feliz com os resultados , porem nao sera algo que ela ira usar fora de casa, sera uma camisolinha.







Thursday, February 17, 2011


     Tea Rose is having a link party, is a nice opportunity to see many gifted people and gets lots of inspirations.
    Tea Rose esta dando uma oportunidade para outros blogs mostrar seus talentos, muitas coisas bonitas e muitas inspiracoes! Vale apena verificar!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


             Here it is my KYOKO dress pictures, I made  this dress for my child's recital and  Christmas ,a little of a unusual colors for the holidays, but I really wanted that way...(so we can get year around use). I must confess to regret a little on my fabric choices,not that the fabric isn't pretty ,but I was afraid that would look so 70's like . Well, I like the end results now.
       This pattern is by Patty Young, as you see the dress have a Asian-inspired look . The pattern was easy to follow and her instructions were excellent ! The pattern can also be done as a shirt,and also short sleeves.There are many options to use different fabrics (like ours).Check it out here.
Essas sao fotos de um vestido que fiz para a minha filha ,nao gostei muita da minha escolha de tecido ,e um pouco dos estilos 70 ! Porem ,agora gosto do vestido ,ficou bonito!
  Esse vestido e de uma designer chamada Petty Young, foi facil de fazer, e pode ser costurado como uma camisa e ser feito com mangas curtas tambem. Aqui voce poderas ver mais dessa designer,como roupas e os tecidos por ela.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Knot dress

 The 1st time that I decided that I would give a serious trying on sewing again, I purchased a EASY pattern  for a Knot dress four years pass since then but it has became one of my favorite patterns, is easy to assemble and comfortable to wear, is easy to adjust the pattern to make just tops and even add  details like the apron. My daughter loves to wear hers and that is always a plus for me!

I made the little dress above  just for fun, I had a few small pieces of fabric from previous projects and a small vintage table top. The end result a cute little dress, don't you think so?

Isn't the fabrics so cute too? I got the main fabric from Wal-Mart years ago but I just couldn't decide what to make with it, now I believe I used for the perfect project, it turn out really sweet.
 Now I just need a little girl...

     I was trying to find a link for a free pattern for knot dress  for you my friends, I didn't exactly found the same pattern , but pretty close and just as cute.

Oh do let me know if you make one,and do take pics to share...