I love Christmas, but I really don't like the idea of the stores already offering stuff for Christmas so early. I don't want to think about the end of year already and be worry about the newest ornaments ,drives me a little crazy.But that is the business world.
On the other hand I am always impress with people that get their gifts all bought before the end of the year rush...Well, this year we already talk about our plans for Christmas,my daughter decided that she just wants one gift and wants to focus in give to others. I love that idea,since she is always the main focus of Christmas for gift buying.
So here is where I want to make a invitation to you dear creative friends...every year my family sends gifts to SAMARITAN'S PURSE they ask for shoe boxes fill with goodies,we usually put soap,toothpaste,toothbrush,pencils,coloring pencils,toys and a small contribution for shipping (I believe that the cost is $7.00)...well this year I want to hand make dolls to the little girls, I don't know yet what to make for boys? So would you join me in this effort? Why in July,well the dolls needs to be ready before November,when they start collecting the boxes.

Here is what you can do,you can make a doll and send it to me so I will add to one of the boxes or you can make a doll and contribute yourself ,since SAMARITAN'S PURSE have drop off location all over the USA. Remember The doll need to be small enough to fit in a show box and leave enough space to add small necessities (like soap,toothbrush,pencils...). The most awesome thing about this is that will have a eternal impact in the children. Let me know if you can be apart.
Just I note to let you know ...I have no connection to Samaritan's purse, is just a organization that I admire, they didn't ask me to do this, is all my idea.
A note from my daughter: i want to let others have joy and i would like to raise money to help my gole 100 dollars to help Samaritan's Purse i wish i could help more .
Here are some links for patterns for dolls:http://mmmcrafts.blogspot.com/2009/03/baby-binky-bunnies.html,http://www.marthastewart.com/873632/dolls-you-can-make?mag=/rag-doll#/233664,http://www.purlbee.com/hand-sewn-felt-dolls/2009/4/8/mimi-kirchners-hand-sewn-felt-doll.html,http://pinterest.com/viajoy/handmade-dolls/. Also look for patterns on library books.
Please feel free to share this effort with others, and share pictures.
The children are very happy with their boxes. All
the people in town will know about Jesus Christ now.
Pastor, Peru
I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus, maybe right now I can't do missionary work, but I can from the confort of my home, bless and be blessed. The stories and photos will tell the story of what a blessing we can be to others, specially for children.