
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Round Top - A Texan Road Trip (Part 2)

Here is one of our favorite stop in Round Top, The Family Library is a relax cool stop, specially if you are visiting R.T. in the summer months.
The gothic building, which have a impressive survival story, was a old Lutheran church in 1925.
I also love the surrounding gardens with some majestic old oaks and The Historical Rummel house.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Round Top - A Texan Road Trip (part 1)

Have you heard of Round Top before ? If not, you are in for a treat, this is a tiny town (pop. 90) loaded with enchanted adventures and all with just in a few blocks of each other. So prepare your cooler and cameras and make sure to have comfortable will love this little town!!!
Round top is well know for it Antique shows and pies. But what it makes Round Top special for me is :

1. The Round Top Festival Institute (pictures above)
The historic structures alone are worth the trip, the Institute beautiful grounds are usually open, so a visit on the less hotter months are a must.

2. The Family library
A wonderful stop, the library will enchanted any children or adult in that matter.

3.Henkel Square Market
This is a place to people watching, enjoy some coffee and delicious pies. Also you can admire lovely historic structures.

4. Shakespeare at Winedale
The plays are performance in hay barn made to resemble a Elizabethan theatre. The performances are excellent... 

There are so much more to this little town, bluebonnets, layback, perfect little houses, antiques...
Next all will post more pictures of our trip.

                                                                          ** JM **