
Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Cutest Christmas Ornament

This is one of my favorite Christmas Ornaments. It has been inspired by the one my sister-in-law made as a little girl, I always loved the simplicity and the vintage feeling to it.
 The process is pretty self explanatory and the materials are really minimum(scrapbook paper, ribbons, fine markers, ink). I made those with my daughter and nephew, I also made one with my husband ,daughter and my finger print and added the year to it. The possibilities are really endless... Wouldn't  be cute making one for a teacher with her pupils finger print?
Tip: Help you kids, specially the little ones with the finger print part, since it can be a little messy. Also let dry for a bit, before any writing.
Right now I am in the process to make a hand sewn one too, with some cute holiday fabrics.
What are you making for Christmas? Any simple ideas to make with the kids?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

My shawl- Yarn Along

I have been wanting to make a shawl for the longest time, actually since a saw this pink shawl in the movie  Nicholas  Nickleby a few years ago. Isn't it beautiful!!
The one that I am making isn't like that shawl at all, it is a simply project just with granny square. But, I like the look so far anyway.
What I like the most about this shawl, it start with a conversation at a bookstore, where I met a complete stranger, who gladly interrupt her project and cut a piece of her yarn to make me the little sample on how to make this simple shawl. Isn't that so sweet!

Anyway, if you have a crochet pattern that you like similar to the one in the movie, please let me know where can I find it.

Right now I am enjoying Tasha Tudor's book "Take Joy" and A Jane Austen Devotional by Steffany Woolsey.

                                                 I'm linking up with Ginny

                                                ** JM**

Saturday, December 13, 2014

New Braunfels/Gruene


We spent our Thanksgiving weekend enjoying the lovely town of New Braunfels.  Gruene is a Historical district  by New Braunfels, if you are a visitor it is a must stop place for eating and shopping. But our purpose was really to enjoy the general area and nature.
P.S. Thanks for all that enter our giveaway. My goal is to choose a winner this weekend.

Monday, November 24, 2014

My sweet girls


I had a few special orders this year, and the most wonderful and easy to work customers. I also have a few new dolls that I am working on too, the one with the gray dress is part of one of my dolls for 2015, I will reveal who SHE is in 2015. I am so excited about that doll, she is the main  character of one of my favorite book. Can you guess who is she?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Round Top - A Texan Road Trip (Part 2)

Here is one of our favorite stop in Round Top, The Family Library is a relax cool stop, specially if you are visiting R.T. in the summer months.
The gothic building, which have a impressive survival story, was a old Lutheran church in 1925.
I also love the surrounding gardens with some majestic old oaks and The Historical Rummel house.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Round Top - A Texan Road Trip (part 1)

Have you heard of Round Top before ? If not, you are in for a treat, this is a tiny town (pop. 90) loaded with enchanted adventures and all with just in a few blocks of each other. So prepare your cooler and cameras and make sure to have comfortable will love this little town!!!
Round top is well know for it Antique shows and pies. But what it makes Round Top special for me is :

1. The Round Top Festival Institute (pictures above)
The historic structures alone are worth the trip, the Institute beautiful grounds are usually open, so a visit on the less hotter months are a must.

2. The Family library
A wonderful stop, the library will enchanted any children or adult in that matter.

3.Henkel Square Market
This is a place to people watching, enjoy some coffee and delicious pies. Also you can admire lovely historic structures.

4. Shakespeare at Winedale
The plays are performance in hay barn made to resemble a Elizabethan theatre. The performances are excellent... 

There are so much more to this little town, bluebonnets, layback, perfect little houses, antiques...
Next all will post more pictures of our trip.

                                                                          ** JM **