
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Nature inspired

I am always inspired by nature, our surrounds are so beautiful and colorful right now. For the past few months we never return home, from a walk outside, without a little flower bouquet. Right now sunflowers, coreopsis and indian blanket are abundant around here.
So I started a little project, a scarf, for autumn with a color that remind me of sunflowers and autumn too. It is quite bright, but I have olive skin, so I think will work well for me.
Also I am reading "A Pocketful of Pinecones " by Karen Andreola
This book is a easy read and quite delightful, specially for anyone who likes Charlotte Mason.
Since I been talking about nature inspired things...The little egg shell on one of my photos come from the Barn Swallow nest in my patio. Also the picture with the bird on my window, happen this past weekend when this beautiful Summer Tanager decided to fly in as my husband opened our front door. I never seen one before this.  Have you seen one like it or have you even had a bird enter you house like that?
                                  Joining yarn along.