
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yarn Along

  Sharing my humble knit project,so far I am been able to only  produce scarfs. My hope is to finish this one before going to my trip to FLAGSTAFF.Ginny from SMALL THINGS, one of my favorite blogs, have a YARN ALONG where lots of other accomplished knitters share their projects and the book that they are reading.  I actually wasn't reading a book ,but listening to one: The Trumpeter of Krakow. Aldo I already finish the book,it was really fun to be listening to a nice book and accomplishing something at the same time. Just felt like a special treat for myself ,thanks for the inspiration ladies.

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BLUEBONNETs 2012 125



Tuesday, March 20, 2012


BLUEBONNETs 2012 006

This past weekend we went to Brenham to take some pics in the Bluebonnets , this could be call a tradition for me,I try no to miss this time of the year,is( almost) always picture perfect.The weather was so lovely,it really  made for a perfect day, the kind that call for sandwiches, lemonade and cake ! My daughter usually loves this kind of outings,  and I love taking pictures (about 140...).So fun! So fun!

Na semana passada,fomos passear numa cidadezinha perto da minha casa, aqui e uma tradicao tira fotografias nas flores de primavera . E uma tradicao maravilhosa mesmo,com o ar fresquinho  de primavera e tudo lindo .Minha filha adora correr entre as flores e eu adoro tirar fotos dela. Muito bom mesmo!

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Photo Post

.... Sweet Day....

Sweet day ,is a photo post for exceptional school days ,can be a field trip,a special project or just time with friends....

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

In my Garden

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        This little garden(15x40) never ceases to  amazes me, to the most simple flowers and the most complex one.To the not so welcome reptiles to the curious look ones. I always prize my little garden and my early mornings spent there.

         The pictures above were taken just in one morning. Busy little garden,uh?

                                      What's happening in you garden?





Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Girly time

Via Joy ideas 007

 My daughter was so excited about having a spa party with some of her  friends,I heard about for weeks.                                                                                                                                         They got massages with coconut oil, nails done, cucumber in the eyes...after all the fun,my daughter was so please with the results,that I decided to add to her excitment by give her a special hair treatment at home,just like I had when I was little.                                                                               I add half of a small avocado ,1/2 a cup of mild hair conditioner,some rosemary oil(about 10 drops) and a egg,blended. I massage all on her hair and let sit for a half hour . The result was very  pleasing ,her hair  was shine and fuller.


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   Via Joy ideas 009


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sharing the goods



Garden, Nature, Insects 009

Garden, Nature, Insects 006

Here in the South is pretty much  Spring,with means gardening time. I love this time of the year and the beauty that is all around us...
My Roses are now blooming, Mexican Sage too(those complement each other so well!).Poppies,larkspurs and bluebonnets are all in a race to see who can bloom first. No to mention the Bishop plant and Dill ,which are some of my favorite plants at this time of the year.
Last year I was teaching a class on my backyard about nature journal (another post).the kids enjoy the experience so much and I did too, the weather was wonderful and the garden was looking just its best. To top I got some lady bugs released the night before and my peas where heavy in the vines.    As a class favor, each kid got to take home a lady bug in a jar .In the jar I add leaves that were infested by aphids and let kids and moms know that the lady bugs such be release 2 or 3 days later.

So in memory of that delightful day I decided to give each of the kids Peas seeds . So they could enjoy fresh peas of their own.  This little project is fun,fast ,beautiful and useful.

    Here is what you will need:Via Joy ideas 001

  • white fabric(12x4)

  • seeds

  • a slice of apple

  • carrots

  • green paint (2 shades)

  • brushes

  • alphabet stamps(optional)

Before you start,you design should be center ,try to find a center point ,so you will have space to sew without distubing your design later.Now stamp the apple first ,you don't need to overload the apple with paint,just a light coat of paint will do fine. Next the carrots with the darker shade of green. Let dry, then sew it. I choose to sew the top also using my longer stitchs. My daughter had lots of fun making those little bags too.Via Joy ideas 002

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Grown-up Chocolate Milk

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This delicious version of chocolate milk, is all grown-up, since you will be using the real thing,CACAO NIPS. This is my morning chocolate, nothing compares to the flavor,health benefits. There is only one problem,is very addicting!

         Here how you can make your own:

  • 1/8 cup of raw cacao nips

  • 1/2 cup of water

  • a pinch of cinnamon,cloves,cayenne pepper and real salt

  • 1 1/2 T of coconut sugar

  • 3/4 cup of milk (Organic Goat's milk, cow's milk or coconut milk)

1st grind nips,add spices to the cacao. On a small pot, add the water and the cacao,as the water start to warm up ,add the sugar. Keep stirring,don't let it boil. As the mixture starts getting to the boil point add the milk and stir. I really don't like to let boil...but you can if you want .

    Now get a pretty cup ,set your table ,get a good book...because something delicious as this deserve to be savor.IMG_4661 008