
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sharing the goods



Garden, Nature, Insects 009

Garden, Nature, Insects 006

Here in the South is pretty much  Spring,with means gardening time. I love this time of the year and the beauty that is all around us...
My Roses are now blooming, Mexican Sage too(those complement each other so well!).Poppies,larkspurs and bluebonnets are all in a race to see who can bloom first. No to mention the Bishop plant and Dill ,which are some of my favorite plants at this time of the year.
Last year I was teaching a class on my backyard about nature journal (another post).the kids enjoy the experience so much and I did too, the weather was wonderful and the garden was looking just its best. To top I got some lady bugs released the night before and my peas where heavy in the vines.    As a class favor, each kid got to take home a lady bug in a jar .In the jar I add leaves that were infested by aphids and let kids and moms know that the lady bugs such be release 2 or 3 days later.

So in memory of that delightful day I decided to give each of the kids Peas seeds . So they could enjoy fresh peas of their own.  This little project is fun,fast ,beautiful and useful.

    Here is what you will need:Via Joy ideas 001

  • white fabric(12x4)

  • seeds

  • a slice of apple

  • carrots

  • green paint (2 shades)

  • brushes

  • alphabet stamps(optional)

Before you start,you design should be center ,try to find a center point ,so you will have space to sew without distubing your design later.Now stamp the apple first ,you don't need to overload the apple with paint,just a light coat of paint will do fine. Next the carrots with the darker shade of green. Let dry, then sew it. I choose to sew the top also using my longer stitchs. My daughter had lots of fun making those little bags too.Via Joy ideas 002

Via Joy ideas 003

Via Joy ideas 004




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