
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Quite time

2010 11 01 015
Early in the morning I like to sit in our most comfy  chair and read my devotional and my Bible. I love those quite and meditative times. I usually add one other book as a study book related to marriage,children or about someone life. This month I am reading about Corrie Ten Boom, her book the Hiding Place(there is also a movie by the same title) is one of my favorites,so when I was looking for some biography in my local library I was very surprise to find a book about her title"Life Lessons From Corrie Ten Boom"by Pam Rosewell Moore. Mrs.ten Boom has a excellent sense of humor, and is a very good story teller. I have been very bless to read about this woman, her strenght is a inspiration, but I must tell you, one must read to understand from where does her strenght comes from. Guarantee she will touch your life.

"There in prison I saw things from God's point of view. The reality of God's love was just as sure as the cruelty of men"  By Corrie Ten Boom,on Tramp for the Lord